Another femdom interview for Masocast

© Masocast by UnspeakableAxe

The lovely Axe from the Masocast invited me to have another chat with him and of course I said ‘yes’ to that :).

My fourth interview for the Masocast! I am clearly his favourite :P.

My earlier interviews can be found here:

And here we are at number four :).

Some snippets:

I cannot say it’s because of that,

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Morning routine: Revisit

I wrote about my very dommely morning routine some years ago. My routine has changed since then, plus I’ve moved, so I no longer see the mountains out of my bedroom window: Boo. So I thought I’d do an update for those who are curious.

I’m a creature of habit, it makes me feel calm and settled to go through the familiar motions of things. This means I am entirely predictable which is a bonus … Continue Reading

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Positivity is hard

I’m struggling a little, let’s be honest here.

I’m still tweeting, still posting on Fetlife, I’m still producing audio porn, I even recorded a new podcast (coming soon, though an early unedited version is up on my Patreon!) but for here, for my blog, my mind is empty.

The first of the above is daily frippery, the second is direct responses to questions, the third is based on content that already exists, … Continue Reading

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Ten things you didn’t know about me

© Yes, that's me: Bungee jumping & rock climbing

Of course I already have waaayyyy more than ten things on my About Me page (because of course I do) but I’m pretty sure these aren’t on there, plus you don’t get any visuals over there:

  1. When I was a kid, my not-very-well-off parents used to take us to legit deserted tropical islands on the Great Barrier Reef for holidays. They’d pay a fishing trawler $50 to drop us off with all of our camping
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Bad memory problems

I have a bad memory. Truly terrible. I actually think it contributes to my introversion because it means I run into awkward social problems:
“Oh, we’ve met before? Several times? Of course we have…”
“Meet… um… [blank]??”
“We saw that movie together? Did I like it?”

Then the non-trivial which is hundred-fold worse:
“Oh, you already told me your sister had cancer… :((” *wishes the ground would open up and swallow me whole*

At … Continue Reading

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Are ‘introvert Dommes’ a thing?

Yes, of course introvert Dommes are a thing!

Also shy Dommes, socially awkward Dommes, anxious Dommes, quiet Dommes, depressed Dommes etc. Wanting a D/s relationship isn’t contingent on being a certain type of person. On either side of the slash.

I am introverted, very.

I think people often use ‘introverted’ when they mean some of the things I mentioned above.

But that’s not what I mean by ‘introverted’.

For me, I’m talking more of a … Continue Reading

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Femdom blogger EOY message

© 'All Ferns all the time' by and of Ferns :)

As a proper-for-real femdom blogger, I’m supposed to do a proper-for-real end-of-year (EOY) roundup full of stats and reflection and forward-looking statements about goals and such things, especially since it’s the end of the decade. Phew!

I’m not going to do that, though.

What I want to say in my last post of 2019 is this:

I am lucky and privileged to have this platform to write, and to have you, my lovely readers, to

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