BDSM play doesn’t equal ‘being mean’

For new dominants, there is often an internalised belief that they are ‘being mean’ to their submissives when they play. Especially when the play involves physical or emotional pain. Impact play, CBT, nipple torture, humiliation, degradation…

This is true for many dominants, but it’s especially true for new dominant women who have been socialised their entire lives to ‘be nice’ and who often enter online spaces where they are heavily rewarded by fetishists for ‘being … Continue Reading

Loves: 59
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Reader Q&A: Femdom Podcast #116 [Audio]

© 'Ferns Femdom Podcast' by and of Ferns. Music by M.M. Transcript by MFMWKE.

This fantastic femdom podcast Q&A includes the following:

  • Post-punishment rituals
  • Sweetness in my ‘Ask Me‘s! Thank you
  • D/s Kissing 101, an impassioned primer
  • Money is complicating my relationship: Halp!
  • How many ‘great loves’ have you had?
  • Can I maintain my masculinity and be submissive? (spoiler: YES!)
  • And more!

The Domme Chronicles podcast is available on iTunes and Spotify: Subscribe if you want to be sure to get my audio porn delivered straight … Continue Reading

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PSA: D/s doesn’t magic away normal human behaviour


In a book club chat with Joshua Tenpenny, the submissive half of the M/m couple who authored Real Service (if you haven’t browsed my non-fiction BDSM booklist yet, go take a look!), he talked about the realities of submission with years of real D/s relationship experience behind him, and I tell you what, discussions with people with that kind of experience is a breath of fresh air.

One of the things he said was essentially: … Continue Reading

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Reader Q&A: Femdom Podcast #115 [Audio]

© 'Ferns Femdom Podcast' by and of Ferns. Music by M.M. Transcript by MFMWKE.

This fabulous femdom podcast is full to the brim of more of my pearls of wisdom.

It includes the following:

  • How to raise the topic of D/s with a possibly vanilla date?
  • What’s your favourite impact implement?
  • A domme wonders if being into D/s means she’s destined to be alone
  • A husband and wife have mismatching desires, so now what?
  • Do you think you might have an unrealistic ‘idealised image of a partner’ in mind?
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Loves: 11
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Reader Q&A: Femdom Podcast #114 [Audio]

This stupendous femdom podcast Q&A includes the following:

  • The bits where I answer some questions about my masturbatory habits!
  • Lovely sweetness from some listeners/readers <3
  • Is this a scam? (if you’re asking this question, you already know the answer is ‘yes, yes it is’)
  • Has a submissive ever introduced you to new kinks that you subsequently enjoyed?
  • Should I ‘top from the bottom’ to solve this problem?
  • How do I deal with power struggles in
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Reader Q&A: Femdom Podcast #113 [Audio]

© 'Ferns Femdom Podcast' by and of Ferns. Music by M.M. Transcript by MFMWKE.

This fabulous femdom podcast includes the following:

  • A big thank you to my Patreon supporters (because of course)
  • A sweet little happy femdom story (yay!)
  • Advice on getting into phone domming
  • Resources for a new Domme (tip: My non-fiction book list)
  • Should I consider a much older partner?
  • Should I seek out a pro-Domme for this fantasy?
  • How do I handle a serious issue with my long term dominant partner?
  • What do you like
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Newbie challenges

I want to say up-front that I love newbie submissives, I do. They’re so shiny :). My last submissive was a newbie and he was utter perfection.

But (you knew there was a ‘but’ coming, right? :P) I don’t have the patience or interest for those whose emotional intelligence doesn’t extend to believing in my humanity. That is *not* a situation I’m going to put myself in, fighting to be seen as human, and if … Continue Reading

Loves: 28
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