Birthday nude: X

Ferns nude X blurred

© 'Nude X' by and of Ferns

Anyone can get love
Anyone can get laid
You know you’re home when you find the ones who stay
Brave enough not to tame
They let you burst into flames
Stoke the coals and then watch you blow
They’re the ones make you trust in the universe
When you’re lost and you’re left and it’s getting worse
They’re the ones who you know will get you by
We are all strange
And it ain’t … Continue Reading

Loves: 70
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Birthday nude: Is this what you want?

Ferns, July 2020 (censored)

© 'Ferns, polaroid (censored)' by Ferns

His position was that of prayer, of worship, which it was, in essence. Kneeling with his head to the floor, a compact package of thrumming need, bowing at her feet.

Stepping back until she felt the smooth coldness of the wall on the warm skin of her back, she slid slowly down to the floor in front of him until her naked arse bumped against the carpet, her eyes never leaving his body. Holding her … Continue Reading

Loves: 132
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Birthday nude: Phenomenal woman

© 'Ferns nude crouching, censored' by and of Ferns. Uncensored version below

Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It’s in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
the need for my care.
Because I’m a woman.
Phenomenal woman,
All you women, and me.
― from Phenomenal Woman, Maya Angelou

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Loves: 200
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Birthday nude: With nature

It’s my birthday. It’s tradition. It’s NUDITY.

This photo inspired the story here.

When she stepped into the shower, she looked out of the huge picture window, the raindrops on the glass suspended there as if time had stopped.

Ignoring the view, she peered down into the yard. He was kneeling there on the grass, a beautiful pose, his knees wide, his hands on his thighs, his gaze fixed on her. Positioned for her

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Loves: 148
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Birthday Nude: Touching

My dedication to the time-honoured tradition of the birthday nude is unparalleled. The camera on my phone is no longer working and I’m in the middle of move-planning, and yet here I am in all my naked glory.

Happy birthday to me!

For my birthday, you can say lovely things to me so I feel fabulous about being another year older. Or at least click the little ‘likes’ star, come on now.… Continue Reading

Loves: 147
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End of year roundup: Top five plus nude

As a proper blogger (shut up, I am!), I’m supposed to do some kind of summary, maybe some stats, deep thoughts for the year, some goals for next year, that sort of thing. Maybe even *gasp* GRAPH PORN!

But I’m spectacularly unmotivated to do any of that, so instead, here is a list of my most popular posts of 2016:

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Loves: 68
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Birthday nude: Strap-on

“This toy makes me want to fuck”.

It does.

Kneel here. Get it wet.

Let’s get started.

My traditional birthday nude is neither traditional nor nude. I’m okay with it.

Wish me a happy birthday, click ‘like’ so I know you’ve strap-onned (is SO a word, and no I don’t mean ‘strapped-on’) with me. Oh, and send me presents.… Continue Reading

Loves: 171
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