[SubmissiveGuyComics is also doing a post for our NaBloWriMo project, though he’s hiding some of them on Twitter so if you aren’t following him, you should… ]

Aaannndd… day 30 of NaBloRrrrawrMo. 30 days of posts for November. Thirty days: THIRTY-TWO POSTS!
*flops on the couch*
This kind of ‘forced’ writing is interesting. I think it’s good for me. I posted things I would normally sit on for ages, and perhaps never hit ‘publish’ on (thereby adding to the 26,000 words already in my drafts :P). I wrote some very personal posts and experimented with my first real fiction pieces.
Thank you, dear readers, for reading and commenting and making sure that I didn’t feel like I was just throwing things into the void.
To be honest, I felt a bit like an over-active attention-seeking child tugging on your pants leg: Hey, HEEEY! I wrote a thing! Me me meeee!! I wrote something else. Again. MEEE MEEEEEE!! COME AND LOOK! ARE YOU LOOKING?! *laugh*
And thank you to the super talented SubmissiveGuyComics for letting me jump on board with your stellar idea and for letting me keep you company this month.
If you want to see the glory of the full collection of NaBloRrrrawrMo writings by me and drawings by SubmissiveGuyComics, you will find them here on my Tumblr (though SGC hid some of his pieces on Twitter, so you will have to go digging around for those…).
‘Forced’ writing. Haha, I like that. I didn’t know you were doing NaBloPoMo too. Now I have to check out SubmissiveGuyComics.
Wow, I missed a whole bunch of comments all over the place!
Wait…’Po’ Mo? I really want to think ‘Poo’, but I assume it’s ‘Poetry’?
I hope you did check out SGC: he’s awesome!
I have thoroughly enjoyed watching both you and SubmissiveGuyComics strut your stuff for the last month.
You can tug at my pants leg any time you want. *laugh*
*smile* Thanks slapshot!
I enjoyed the more frequent posting. Well, I would probably enjoy you tugging at my pants leg too, of course, smile.
Thank you, greg!
Well done indeed Miss Ferns! I know it was a struggle at times. But you won through!
Thanks puppy. And yes, it was hard work some days. But I enjoy a challenge now and then!
Loved it. Some really great writing. Laugh making, breath taking, emotional. Thanks. What are you doing in December???
Aww, thank you *smile*.
For December, I shall be whining incessantly about spending time with family, who I love, but who will be in my space for days and days at a time because… Christmas!
I’m posting this comment on 22 Dec. I’m exhausted. Bless ’em.