What day is it?


© 'Randomness' by Ferns

It is a sign of the times that I no longer know what day it is. Lying in bed this morning having a little bet with myself. I was wrong, by the way. I decided it was most definitely Monday. It’s not. It’s Sunday. So here we are :).

How are you all doing, my lovelies?

I hope you and yours are well and safe. Please insert any and all of the trite pandemic-style banalities … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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The model and the priest

Continuing on with my theme about liars from my previous post: Two stand-outs of ‘men who I didn’t believe, and who I called out’. Neither of them were potential submissives, but still.

The Model

A 6’6 fucking model hottie who was lighting up Fetlife with hot pictures.

OBVIOUSLY stolen photos *eyeroll*.

After quite a few of his photos hit ‘Kinky and Popular*’, thanks to women thirsty for hot bods, I got so annoyed … Continue Reading

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Liars and not-liars

Femdom dating is a crap shoot, emphasis on the ‘crap’ sometimes.

I’m not sure I ever wrote about the submissive in the US I said “No thanks” to.

He emailed me, was too young, had no way to afford even a single visit. He was just curious and wanted online attention and shenanigans while pretending he wanted something else.

After I said ‘no thank you’, he contacted me using another name, same IP address (amateur … Continue Reading

Loves: 17
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24/7 D/s vs FLR: What’s the difference?

There were some conversations on Twitter today about the difference between a 24/7 D/s dynamic and a Female Led Relationship (FLR).

An expanded version of my tweet-thoughts on this below.

The upshot: To me they’re the same thing.

My goal is a 24/7 D/s dynamic.

In my 24/7 D/s dynamic (when I have one), I have the authority in our relationship.

I lead, he follows.

There may be carve-outs that we agree on: For example, … Continue Reading

Loves: 63
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Love in the time of…

Public domain mark'Collage of book covers: Love in the time of cholera'

It’s hard to know what to do when you are overwhelmed by stress and fear and an uncertain future. I know many people are struggling emotionally, physically, financially. It’s an unprecedented situation and I’m flailing with the rest of you.

Here in Australia it feels like the end of times: Bushfires, floods, and now pestilence. Just, WTeverlovingF?!!

We are behind the curve on the spread of coronavirus/covid-19 in Australia, but our case trajectory is following … Continue Reading

Loves: 19
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‘Why BDSM?’ elevator pitch

In case you’re not familiar with the term ‘elevator pitch’, it’s “a short description of an idea, product or company that explains the concept in a way such that any listener can understand it in a short period of time.”

The way it was presented to me in the corporate world was ‘imagine you’re in an elevator with someone you want to explain your product/concept to before the lift reaches their floor and … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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How do you feel when you play?

A new dominant woman asked this of more experienced women in a discussion forum: “How do you feel?” She meant ‘when you play’, and it’s a great question that I’m not sure gets explored all that much from the dominant side.

She wrote:
So far, I don’t think I’m getting it… the thing that befuddles me the most, is how am I supposed to feel? Is there a way you should feel about this? Or Continue Reading

Loves: 25
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