I had this email exchange with the sex-voiced Texan.
Me: Do you have a cowboy hat? You must have one, right? Never you mind why I’m asking…
Him: Of course I do…My curiosity is piqued… But I’ll just answer the question.
Me: Well of course you do! :D And cowboy boots right (that’s a dumb question isn’t it?)?
Him: I’m smiling right now because those questions are very particular. I should have some in my closet!
Me: *laugh* I want a picture of the hat and the boots, cowboy.
To be clear about the nature of our conversations so far: We chat around a range of topics: mostly we exchange audio files (that voice *swoon*) that keep getting longer and longer, he sends talking-head videos sometimes which I love, some emails. We’ve had one 4.5 hour (!) phone call. Our discussions are fun, exploratory, interesting, they flow well from one topic to the next, we laugh a lot. There is a lovely mutual curiosity, he always says something in our exchanges that makes me want to reply quickly (sometimes strongly), there is an obvious mutual attraction, some light flirting. No sexting, no D/s, just the pleasure of getting to know someone.
Those email questions of mine are odd. Not related to anything. What I meant by ‘I want a picture of the hat and boots’ was exactly that: a picture of just the hat and the boots, but I was thinking ‘When I get that photo, I’m going to come up with a pose I want to see him in while wearing those and ask him to send it, because… well… hot cowboy!’
This morning without further prompting, he shyly sent me some amazing-hot pictures of himself wearing jeans, the hat, and the boots. In one he had written a personal message to me on his face *melt*.
I just about lost my mind.
They are So. Fucking. Good.
I’m not sure if I love MORE that he assumed (absolutely correctly) where I was going with those questions, or that he then happily went and took the photos for me, or the photos themselves. Guh. All of those.
He’s beautiful.

Yee the fuck haw!
Right?! Get me some rope and a saddle…
(+1 for complete objectification of him in that statement :))
Such a perfect response!
*nod nod*
Also when he agreed to let me post it (because “I like seeing you happy”), he added an “Oh Lord!” and went to hide because… shy…
That just makes him exponentially hotter
Holy shit and yeah yeeeeee-fucking-haw that is some super sexy stuff to see when you just wake up!
Thank you (both) for sharing!
You’re welcome! I couldn’t NOT share. I mean, that would just be selfish. Also: Jesus!
Oh, I’d post something nice, but I seem to be at a loss for words. . .
I can relate. I’m tempted to post the audio of me when I got the pictures. It’s complete ridiculous (essentially me stuttering and going ‘Oh my god!’ over and over…).
…sounds about exactly the same as me, whenever my Fox sends me new pictures… :D
*starts drooling at the thought*
~ A.
Holy hell…
Yes! :)
I do like a nice hat and that IS a nice hat
There’s a hat?! Oh yeah…
You should totally wear a hat in your next birthday pic
I should totally go to Texas and borrow a certain someone’s hat, you know, for authenticity… :P
Posting this link so if the sex-voiced Texan comes out of hiding, he can see the reactions on Twitter to his photo also…
Dude knows how to rock a hat.
And he even lifts.
Blog Approver
*smile* Yes, and yes.
Thank you for your authorised approval.
What fun! Happy for you!!!!!
~ Vista
Super fun *smile*.
Just wow…too cute ✈️✈️
Yes! (love the little plane symbols… I didn’t even know you could do that here!).