So, what’s goin’ on?

Come and have a seat and let me tell you what’s going on with me…




So I’m going to hark back to some random things that I left hanging.

What happened to balloon guy?

He replied to my email quite politely, and it was clear that he was in fact skilled in cleaning (he ran some sort of office maintenance company), but the tone of his … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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My Mistress: the movie

I know the Fifty Shades of Grey trailer is all over the internet, but perhaps we can do better.

I just found this: an Australian movie called ‘My Mistress‘.

From IMDB:

What starts as a beautiful and strangely innocent affair between a vulnerable teenage romantic and a French S&M mistress soon becomes more dangerous.

It’s a long hot summer for Charlie Boyd. He’s sixteen, his hormones are raging and he’s just found … Continue Reading

Loves: 11
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Happies in my inbox

I don’t normally post what comes into my inbox, but this stunningly lovely email arrived in my email yesterday and it made me so very happy I wanted to share it.

If I ever wonder why I write, this is more than enough to remind me.

(posted with permission)


Subject: A long overdue thank you

Hey Ferns,

I’ve been meaning to send this message for a long time and finally got around to it … Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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Holiday snaps

As you know, I recently went to Fiji for a couple of weeks.

I’m not one for lying on the beach (which is, I think, the primary image that comes to mind when one says ‘Fiji’), but I did quite a bit of kayaking, snorkelling, rafting, swimming, walking, reading, eating, drinking and playing games (I think my scrabble-fu is getting better: not at all due to my belligerent arguing that “that is SO a … Continue Reading

Loves: 13
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Going away…

So I’m off to Fiji for a couple of weeks. I KNOW, RIGHT?!! Fun!! *smile*

If you followed me on twitter or tumblr you would already know this (why don’t you follow me on twitter or tumblr??!). You would also know a lot more about me than you probably need to know, frankly…

I will have internet access, but may not have the interest or time to post while I’m busy snorkelling and swimming and … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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A day in pictures

Went here and did this for about 2 hours:

Looked a lot like this:

Then I petted this little guy:

While mini-Spiderman tackled grandad (show off!):

Did not pet these fellows:

Nor these:

Had a drink here afterwards:

A good day.… Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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Audio porn: Men moaning

I love the sound of a man experiencing sexual pleasure. Not coming, necessarily, though I like that also, but all the sounds that lead up to that point. Oh yes please.

I used to have my last submissive send me audio porn *all the time*. It was like an obsession for me. I loved it so much. So fucking hot.

Mostly I would give him instructions on how I wanted him to masturbate. There … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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