Reader Q&A: PIV sex, showing affection, young female dominants

I thought I would be mining all of my reader asks during November, but I have quite a few still hiding in my inbox: Thank you for them.

So here we go (wow, this got long…)!


Hi I am a new Domme and have two online male subs. Both are married and they wifes know about it. One his wife sometimes joins in. He begged me to be his Domme. I am not sure Continue Reading

Loves: 5
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Communicating the hard stuff

NaBloWriMo[SubmissiveGuyComics is also doing a post for our NaBloWriMo project, though he’s hiding some of them on Twitter so if you aren’t following him, you should… ]


So the question for you all is – how do you communicate best? Within the dynamic or by stepping outside of it?

I see some form of this question come up from time to time and I suspect I normally give some answer without giving … Continue Reading

Loves: 11
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D/s break ups

NaBloWriMo[SubmissiveGuyComics is also doing a post for our NaBloWriMo project, though he’s hiding some of them on Twitter so if you aren’t following him, you should… ]


“How should Masters/Dominants try and help their submissive/slave move forward? What, according to the Dominant are they owed? What do THEY owe their submissive’s in turn? What kind of post-relationship aftercare is provided due to the intensity of D/s relationships in comparison to vanilla ones?”Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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Reader Q&A: Testicles, dicks, Harold, & navigating relationships

NaBloWriMo[I’m off-topic today, but SubmissiveGuyComics has done a ‘vote‘ post for our NaBloWriMo project]


I’m going to my trusty stash of ‘Asks’ from readers (thank you for them!) for today’s post.

thanks for the book of the Hardy Haberman, in my scale, the testicles are 2/10 :)

*laugh* My first reaction to this was “I DON’T KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!”

Then I realised that someone in a previous Q&A asked about … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Reader Q&A: Books, punishment, & humiliation

Some of these have questions been languishing in my inbox for a while (sorry about that, lovely question-askers). I keep saying that I love getting ‘asks’ (I do!), but then I hoard them like a little treasure trove in my inbox. I have that dilemma of deciding when the ‘asks’ become weighty enough for a blog post, and then I forget to keep track of how many there are.

I should just stop thinking that … Continue Reading

Loves: 3
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How to kiss

This is going to sound kind of stupid, but do you have any kissing tips? I feel like I don’t know how to kiss properly lol

Aw bless you anon: It’s not stupid and it’s really difficult to answer.

Not least because kissing is all about compatibility: someone who is a great kisser for one person might be a terrible match for another person. Not everyone likes the same kind of kissing.

Don’t be afraid … Continue Reading

Loves: 13
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Thoughts on obedience

Content brought over from a discussion on Fetlife (login required).

Is it possible/likely that a sub becomes more obedient to his domme over time?

My experience is ‘yes’. And for me it’s a function of a deepening relationship.

What I mean by that is that as my submissive gets to know me, if everything is working well, his desire to submit gets stronger and so the D/s becomes ‘more’ (more meaningful, more heartfelt, more serious… … Continue Reading

Loves: 14
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