Meeting with my American boyfriend…

I’ve spent time with him before but it’s rare and precious. I picked Drew up from the airport around noon, and we started with lunch and drinks here:


Then we went to my place for champagne and lots of talks and secret-telling.

He let me handle his gorgeous chastity device: the Axel by Steelwerks:

Steelwerks chastity device

And this is the key to his chastity device around my neck. It’s beautiful and it suits me, no?

Conversation was fun and animated and ridiculous and thoughtful and wide-ranging. If you think we might have talked about you: we probably did.

I kissed his lips, his cheek, and his sweet sweet bald head… Aw yeah!!

He’s a stunningly lovely man and I’m so glad that he made the time and effort to come and spend time with me. I’m a lucky woman.

*happy sigh*

Edited to add: Drew has written a much more articulate and lovely post about our get together here on his blog. You can see why he’s my American boyfriend…

Loves: 10
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