My bubble

I wonder sometimes if I will ever be able to live with anyone again.

I have lived with people before of course. In my early post-parental-home life, it was flatmates. I moved in with my first partner when I was about 24. Since then, I’ve preferred to live alone rather than share a home with anyone I wasn’t sleeping with. Barring extraordinary circumstances, I will never again live with anyone who isn’t my partner.

My … Continue Reading

Loves: 15
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Dear cute kilted boy…

Dear cute kilted boy,

I have a terrible memory for things both big and small, but I remember you.

We were at a BDSM event: I knew one person there, and nobody else. But I am pretty good at flitting around, pretending to be social.

You wore a kilt. Of course I remember you. I mean, *you wore a kilt*!

You were standing with two other men, I suspect they weren’t your friends, on reflection. … Continue Reading

Loves: 18
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Hello Ma’am

SGC of the wonderful Submissive Guy Comics tumblr recently posted this really sad comic.

When I saw it, it brought back a rush of memories. My memories are usually packed away and mostly inaccessible without concerted effort, but they are sitting close to the surface for me at the moment because of my anniversary post. When I was thinking about what to write, I looked back on old posts and personal writings to find … Continue Reading

Loves: 21
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I was looking up minor comic super heroes the other day and came across some (lots!) I’d never heard of.

A few of the best ones (and by ‘best’ I mean ‘lamest super heroes EVARRR’!!):

Stone Boy

His super power is *turning himself into stone*.

“Gadzooks, someone is being MURDERED!!! Let me help you!!! LOOK, SUDDENLY I’M A ROCK!! HA HA! FOILED YOU, MURDERERS!!”

Gin Genie

She can generate ground tremors. Alcohol helped or Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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On the occasion of my not-really blog anniversary

Holy fuck, this blog is 5 years old!

Okay okay, I confess, 5 years and one month and one day because I am rubbish at keeping track of these things and forgot about it, then I realised yesterday, and couldn’t be arsed to write a post and so, here we are at 5 years, one month and one day old (I would like to point out that I could have lied about that because I … Continue Reading

Loves: 24
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Because I’m happy

It was a weekend, I took him out for lunch to a pub that sits on a point overlooking the bay. A beautiful spot on a hill, the islands in the distance.

It was warm, sunny.

He got us drinks, ordered the food, and came back to me.

We were sitting side by side in chairs on the lawn looking out over the water, talking softly and laughing about nothing in particular. I had one … Continue Reading

Loves: 17
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I often feel like some old curmudgeon when I see how the Youth today ‘do’ D/s and BDSM.

It makes me laugh to say that because I’m not ‘old guard’ or ‘old school’ (I don’t even really know what those entail to be honest), but I DO find myself looking at discussions and going “OMG, really?!” and then shaking my head at them and then at myself because GET THE HELL OFF MY LAWN!

And … Continue Reading

Loves: 22
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