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20 results found.
Yes, I know it’s not Sunday!! Bear with me!
I used to do a very irregular “Sunday curiosity” post where I invited people to ask me random questions. This was not a strategy that I made up because I was too lazy to actually come up with topics to write about… ooohhh no! Not at all. Okay, well… maybe a little bit.
Mostly though, I did it because I loved to hear from … Continue Reading
A huge thank you (again!) to everyone who participated in my recent survey. There were around 250 respondents (wow!). That’s a considerable increase over last year (see, if I had done a graph, that would have been a much more interesting factlet!).
My blog has changed quite a bit in the last year, as have my circumstances, so I was keen to see how that was reflected in the responses. Personally, I have become more … Continue Reading
In this post, I am answering questions asked by the lovely N in the last Sunday curiosity comments.
“Were you always a “private player” (did I get that right?) or was there a time when you did enjoy playing at parties, gatherings and the like?
Yes, you got that right!! And no I wasn’t always. I actually started out playing in public, but I didn’t do it a lot because I learnt quite quickly that … Continue Reading
Thank you so much to those who asked questions… fun!! This ended up being a hugely long post!! Get coffee, and a packed lunch, and maybe some alcohol.
N: Have you ever “subbed”? :D
Yes, I have.
My first foray into real life BDSM was as a submissive after exploring my dominant side online. My femsub friend and I met a very experienced maledom in a chat room and agreed to meet him. I … Continue Reading
My very first curiosity post was waaaay back at the end of 2009. It was the first time I invited you to ask me questions… I mean, who the hell is this ‘Ferns’ anyway?! Her ‘About Me‘ information totally sucks and she pretends like she is going to actually write something there BUT SHE NEVER DOES!!!
Given I am shamelessly asking you to answer questions about yourselves in my survey, I thought it … Continue Reading
The results of the ‘Femdom in Second Life survey (oh goodie, a graph! You know how I love graphs!!) were surprising to me, with a pretty even spread:
I actually expected many more votes for ‘Not’ (shows what I know!). Thank you to all who participated and particularly for your comments.
For those of you who have never heard of this Second Life (SL) thing, it is a virtual world made up of themed areas … Continue Reading
I have a post brewing about this, but I thought I would stall on finishing it first ask you, trusted readers, to give me your opinion.
There are communities in Second Life dedicated to female domination. I would like to hear from you what your overall view of it is (in the broadest possible strokes!).
Hot: It’s great (for whatever reason)
Not: It’s stupid (for whatever reason)
WTF?: I have no idea what you are … Continue Reading