UPDATE 11 jAN: This fundraising campaign is now over. Thank you all so very much for your support, your donations, and for your enormous generosity. The final tally is here!
The bushfires here are not near me. I’m safe, my family and friends are safe. We’re lucky.
The closest fires were more than 50kms away from my home, and the only effects I experienced while people were losing their homes was a smoke haze that drifted to where I live.
I took that photo above on November 10th. It was only the start.
The fires here have been burning for two months.
It’s horrifying and heartbreaking, the numbers staggering, the stories and photos terrifying.
As at 3rd January 10 January, at least 19 26 people have died, more than 1,700 2097 homes destroyed (830 damaged, 12,625 saved), nearly 500 million animals killed.
Nearly 6 million hectares have been razed by fire. How big an area is that? What does that even look like?
It looks like this:

The fires are still burning.
It’s easy to feel helpless. The scale of this is huge, and the issues run deeper than these fires.
But rather than do nothing, I want to see if I can help, and ask all of you to join me.
For the next 7 days, I’m donating all proceeds from my book sales to the Red Cross bushfire relief efforts.
If you’ve been considering buying one of my books for yourself or for a friend, now is the time to do it. If you’ve not been considering it, buy one anyway.
Every little bit helps. Let’s see if we can make a difference.
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don’t feel comfortable buying my books or sharing my content because REASONS (and fair enough!), you can still help. Here’s a great article about where you can donate.
Send me your receipt for any direct donations, and I will very very happily include you in my total tally and give you a very well-deserved and heart-felt thank you and shout out! :).
5th Jan: I’m so very delighted to tell you that a generous anonymous person is going to donate $3 for every book sold during this period (up to $150)!!! So let’s see if we can max that generosity out :))
6th Jan: The goodness!! Another generous person is going to MATCH THIS FIRST GENEROUS PERSON’S GENEROUS OFFER OF GENEROSITY!! That’s ANOTHER $3 for every book sold (up to $150)
7th Jan: Our current total is $243.27! Thank you so much! And there’s still plenty of time to buy some books :).
8th Jan: Overnight we had a HUGE boost in sales, thank you SO much to each and every one of you who bought a book and/or who shared this appeal <3.
- That jump pushed my two amazing anonymous $3/book donors to top out at $150 EACH!
- A wonderful dominant on twitter, @Literatrix donated $50 directly to the Red Cross Appeal.
- An anonymous lovely donated $56.85 directly to the NSW Rural Fire Service
New total: An incredible AUD $687.96!!!!
I’m so grateful for everyone’s generosity in helping with this bushfire appeal. I can’t even tell you how much it means to us over here to see folks all over the world willing to help <3.
We still have 3 days to go. Please buy a book or share this post or this tweet.
9 Jan
Not only did we reach $1000, we kicked its arse!
THE NEW TOTAL IS $1393.37!!!
Two days to go. Pretty sure we can get to $1500. Let’s do it! :)).
10-11 Jan
An amazing UK donor sent $156.60 direct to the Red Cross.
Another lovely donated to WIRE with a generous $50.
Thank you, thank you!!
There’s more!!
A fabulous fabulosity donated $200 to the Red Cross :))).
And My Gentleman (remember him?) popped into my inbox with a receipt for a generous $100 for the Red Cross :).
Still, there’s more…
I received a receipt from an astoundingly generous lovely for a direct donation of $1015 to the Red Cross!!!
Thank you so very much!!!!
Thank you. Very nice to see this part of you.
I had t intended buying a book, but I must certainly will now.
Your gesture is very kind of you.
Living in Alaska the devastation these fires bring is nothing new to me. We have them around the state frequently. Once a decade we get one that will lay itself at the door of civilization and its never forgiving in its application of destruction.
It is quite an experience to walk through the still smoldering wasteland created by this curve of nature.
It takes indiscriminately.
As much fans he as it causes however, it is never lost on me the abundance of new growth and life that flourished in its wake the following year.
I appreciate your gesture and it would appear I’ll be reading one of your books soon.
From the North we send out thoughts and prayers and wish you safe passage SHOUKD the winds shift your direction. Above all be mindful and stay safe.
Thank you so very much for contributing, and I really hope you enjoy the book.
Bushfires are par for the course here (we have an annual ‘bushfire season’), but we have never seen anything like the literal hundreds of huge out-of-control fires that we are experiencing right now :(.
A big wave to Alaska and thank you again.
I am really glad you and your family are safe. It is heartwrenching the devastation this is causing so many people. You have such a big heart!
It’s utterly horrific, and it just seems like it’s never going to end :(.
Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot.
Just bought Happy Femdom Stories 2. Hope it helps!
It absolutely DOES help, thank you so much :)).