I haven’t written about my body project for ages. The main reason is that I’ve been pretty much in maintenance mode forever.
I’ve been gymming and Pilatesing (is SO a word!) 5 times a week, not phoning it in, but also not challenging myself.
And while I’d love to pretend maintenance mode keeps me in peak shape, it doesn’t of course.
So I’m a bit softer, a bit weaker, a bit jigglier than I was.
I’ve just come back from about 8 weeks off. I was overseas for three of them, and then I had a back injury that scared me a little, so I was gentling it back into function.
So today was my first foray back to the gym: some treadmill walking, leg and glute exercises, low intensity, low weights.
I’m planning to ramp it up again slowly over the next few weeks (just in time for the Christmas blowout of alcohol-fuelled food-stuffage).
To encourage me in my mission is the amazing ‘Ferns WorkOut Crew’ (#fwocrew). You can find a list of the members, their Twitter feeds, and their workout logs here. There are now 19 awesome crew members: We work our respective arses off and provide support to each other, encouraging each other to get up off our couches and get our workouts done. The public accountability and support really helps me a lot when I really REALLY don’t want to do it (which is most of the time, frankly), so thanks, folks!
So really, not much to write home about, but I’m still writing home about it!
This crew has helped me so much to stay on track and accountable. You have put together such a great and supportive group. Thank you for being our leader :)
My absolute pleasure, and I’m so glad it’s helped :).
It’s helped me so much also. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve headed out to they gym primarily because I knew someone else in the crew was out there doing the same, so thank you for the wonderful support.
As usual you look absolutely beautiful and stunning! Those lips are lucious looking!? As for me I’ve been a total slack azz for the last year. Lifted weights last week for the first time in a year. Been drinking like a fish. Toning that down. After a year sabatical working on the new me!
Thanks so much for the lovely compliment, and good on you for getting back into it.
Getting started is always the hardest part, then sticking at it is the hardest part after that :P.