How does femdom work?

Someone asked a question that was essentially ‘how does femdom work’ in one of the forums I frequent, or more specifically they were asking how do femdom relationships work, and I thought I’d share an embellished version of my answer here.

“How does your F/m relationship work? Does your sub have to be a docile mouse all the time?”

I’m single at the moment, but when I have a submissive, he is my romantic, monogamous, long-term partner. He’s the love of my life, my sweetheart, my best friend, and my submissive. I choose men who are smart, opinionated, thoughtful types, and no, he doesn’t suddenly turn into a ‘docile mouse’ because I’m the dominant.

How it works in broad strokes:

We agree that I’m in charge and talk (a lot) about how we see that working so there are few(er) surprises. I’m a big picture person and utterly uninterested in details, so I do well with a submissive to whom I can say ‘here’s the outcome I want’, and let him have at it however he pleases (this approach works well for sex also, to be honest: “I want two orgasms, make it happen, boy!” :)).

We carve out areas that either I’m not interested in or that he doesn’t want me sticking my fingers into (work, friends, and family are common ones, but could also be finances, big life decisions etc) and I don’t touch those. If I have opinions about things that are outside of our D/s agreement, we discuss them like any vanilla couples and come to some agreement or compromise together.

There are also a ton of things I might theoretically be in charge of but I don’t give a shit about them, so have no interest in making any decisions about those things even if I can if I want. A sort of ‘I can, I have the authority, but I’m not going to because it’s not fun or hot or interesting to me’ (except maybe this one time when I will, because I feel like it :P).

There is a school of thought that somehow by ‘being the dom’ I’m suddenly imbibed with special wisdom and am magically better at everything than my submissive and therefore it’s somehow my role to ‘make him a better person’ with my Oracle-like knowledge of the universe or something and he should sit and learn from me.

As a kink, that’s cool: The helpless know-nothing naïf gets schooled in life by the experienced mistress. I’m here for it.

In my romantic D/s relationships, though, that’s not a thing. I choose partners who are fully-actualised, capable, and functional adult men who already have their shit together. They are better/smarter/more experienced/skilled/successful than me at many many things. This is an absolute delight for me, and my handling of that is to take advantage of those skills and put them to use for me. His abilities are laid at my feet for me to use as I wish: That is part of his submission, and it’s an absolute gift.

In day to day life, we look relatively ‘normal’. I enjoy some rituals that will become sweet habits between us, but in the normal living of our daily lives, our dynamic is like a sleeping dragon: We both know it’s there, but until I wake it, it rests peacefully with the occasional fire-breathing roar.

If I’m wrong about something (and I will be, many times), I expect him to tell me so (politely, he will learn how to do this in a way I like). Well unless it’s something really trivial, then he can shush and suck it up, and he will learn the difference between those two types of wrongness :). If I’m about to cause harm (to him, to me, to our relationship) and I truly haven’t seen the problem and his telling me is somehow not registering with me, he has my full permission to do whatever he needs to do to stop me.

In the vast majority of our relationship, I get my way as the default, he defers to me as the default. He trusts me to ask for his input and listen and consider his perspective (he must, or he wouldn’t be with me in the kind of relationship we have together), but if I disagree with him, we do what I say.

Having said that, I always try to make decisions that are mindful of what I know about him, his preferences, his barriers, his difficulties, his mood at any given time etc. And if it’s anything important, we will always discuss it. I may make the final decision, but I’d wager that many of those discussions and outcomes would seem very vanilla from outside.

An important and inherent part of my D/s relationship is this: We’re in this together, building this life, this relationship, together. It’s not ‘me making him do the things’ (me vs him). It’s ‘us choosing this, and agreeing to and honouring our D/s agreements with love and integrity’ (us against the world).

After all of that sounding perhaps very one-sided, I’m not a selfish jerkface. I’m sensitive and attuned to my partner, and I want him to be utterly delighted in our relationship. Sometimes he won’t be, and that’s okay, that’s life. But overall, I want him to thank the gods every day that he’s the lucky man who gets to be with me, to be eager and excited to jump (how high?) to do his best for me, to glory in making me happy in our D/s dynamic, to buzz and bounce in his submission, and to have a mouth that is sore from smiling and kissing.

Joy is the core of all of it. And love. Of course. Both of those.

Loves: 52
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  1. Thank you for writing such a clear and concise definition of Femdom. I resonate deeply and enjoy a parallel set of parameters. I have never felt so validated. I will be sending men and women both to this post. Grazie!

  2. Awesome thoughts; clarity in the light of day, and a standard to which I think most would aspire. It sounds, quite frankly, like the best of all worlds; perfection. The femdom dynamic, in my view, is the form of government: it’s the structure and the rules and the concept, but only a too. The couple defines the femdom, rather than the femdom defining the couple. A shared experience with common goals. Well said.

    1. I’m not sure most would aspire to it: Femdom comes in so many flavours!

      I’m glad you could relate. Though we do have to come up with a more appealing comparison than ‘government’ which most definitely does not bring to mind joy OR love.

      “The couple defines the femdom, rather than the femdom defining the couple. A shared experience with common goals.”

      Yes, to all of that.


      1. I got a lot out of your blog. My relationship I’m in now was vanilla but in 3 years we are changing up. I’m a new Domme and he’s my sub which helps and encourage me to be better. Can’t wait to read your books. All advice deeply appreciated.

        1. Hello there HmbleGoddess60:

          What a delight to hear that you and your partner are exploring D/s. Congratulations to you both :).

          I recommend ‘How to handle disobedience’: NOT because your partner is disobedient, but because I start the book talking about how to set up a solid foundation for your D/s relationship.

          I also recommend Uniquely Rika a lot to new folks. It’s one of the few ‘building an F/m relationship’ books that is genuinely from the dominant woman’s perspective (it’s not my style, but it’s still a great take).

          And if you enjoy reading, I have an extensive annotated non-fiction book list: Read the summaries, see if any of them resonate :).

          Best of luck!


  3. I have good friends and I love them. And those bastards (or Bastardettes) have all gone through a less extreme version of what you talk about.

    Less extreme but true for them none the less.

    And now I hit the wall of realisation: that all relationships are somewhere on the F/m or M/f spectrum even if it ends up being F/M with some badass fun grappling.

    But for the good guys/gals when they make decisions for each other, they’re always considerate buggers, because “love” and “friendship” and all that good stuff.

    And just as you say, Joy and Love are at the core of it.

    And this^^ is the best piece of music ever, composed by a badass deaf fucker, who was also a drunk. I’m not afraid to say he might be the best deaf ever.

    I love the deafs.

    1. I think the idea that vanilla relationships don’t have power imbalances is wrong, frankly. The main differences are that it’s not explicitly discussed or agreed, and it’s often not wanted.

      That is, the power disparity is not a thing they sought out, and it’s not a thing that makes them happy. It often exists despite this.

      “And just as you say, Joy and Love are at the core of it.”

      All going well: A big yes to this :).

      But a ‘no’ to that piece of music.


  4. You can’t say you love the deafs any more can you?

    Even if they fuckin’ rock the sounds and the harmonys.

    Political correctness gone mad. I don’t know where I go from here.

      1. I came here thinking I may got the wrong idea of how D/s relationships work, and I’m glad to find out I was wrong, and it is reasonable to expect other aspects in the relationship (the day to day/vanilla aspects).
        Something you mentioned about you suddenly being seen as the all knowing teacher catched my eye (in a good way), you actually put the human side of the relationship, wich is often just forgotten due to many people just imitating things they see in porn without diving themselves into doing the research first.
        Glad I found this blog, very pleased with what I read and happy to know there are other aspects to it. :)
        Thank you for sharing.

  5. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Reading this made me smile. When I was first contacted by the man who is now my sub, this was how I described my style as a dominant and the type of D/s relationship I wanted.

    We messaged, then texted, then spoke for hours on the phone about every topic we could think of, both basic conversation and BDSM related, before meeting.

    When we meet for the first time ( I said it was “several weeks later”, only to be politely reminded that it was actually four months and ten days), it was like we’d known each other in a former life.

    I share very similar likes in submissive men as you do. Luckily for me, my sub meets most, if not all, of my criteria. He’s independent, a leader in his RL, strong of body, mind, and spirit, he’s intellectual and caring…and he is willing to place all of that and himself at my feet to be used as I see fit.

    What more could a dominant woman want in her man, her sub, her pet?

    Again, thank you for sharing and for showing another aspect to dominate women that is not talked about or validated enough IMHO.

    1. I’m so pleased you could relate :)

      And what a lovely story of you and your submissive finding each other: Congratulations to both of you for finding each other.

      You are right: We don’t hear about love-based F/m relationships nearly enough.

      If you feel like sharing more, I’m ALWAYS looking for happy femdom stories :).


  6. going to print this out and put it on my vision board because this is what i want! so brilliantly written – thank you! <3

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