Coming when you are not coming

It’s been twelve days, you have never felt closer to me, you have never been more beautiful.

I come over you not coming for me, and then I come again. I come over how much you want to come. I come over you thanking me for not letting you come. I come over you getting hard for me over and again. I come over you nearly coming and struggling to stop yourself. I come over your newly found sensitivity. I come over telling you how not letting you come makes me come. I come over listening to you in pain and how that brings you close to coming. I come over hearing you whisper, “God, I want to come… oh please…” I come over you nearly coming before you are even fully hard. I come over you not being able to be touched when you are so hard it hurts. I come over bringing you to the edge and not letting you come over and over. I come over telling you things that make you want to come. I come over thinking up tortures that will make it harder for you to not come. I come over that desperate sound you make when you are trying not to come.

I want to come for every second that you are not coming.

I haven’t told you how many more days, but I know you are thinking it’s at least six more. Six more you can deal with. But what if it’s six more after that, and six more after that?

Hello beautiful.

Loves: 10
Please wait…

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  1. You can’t… I mean, you cannot imagine how devilishly tender and diabolically romantic this latest vignette is. You continue to reach deep inside and touch a core that even the men who are wrapped around that core can scarcely identify and communicate with. Thank you. Again. For sharing this part of yourself, so courageously and so honestly.

  2. Panda: “…you cannot imagine how devilishly tender and diabolically romantic this latest vignette is.”You are right, I can’t, really… I can only see my own heart in it. That’s part of the reason why I am loving your take on some of these posts and your heartfelt comments, thank you for them.Ferns

  3. Thumper: Now I know you would never come without permission…!Panda: … and if he did, it’s not me who would be mad about that…Ferns

  4. “You are right, I can’t, really… I can only see my own heart in it. That’s part of the reason why I am loving your take on some of these posts and your heartfelt comments, thank you for them.”Yes, but you see, that’s part of the beauty of it. Through your heart, we submissive men see our own hearts, magnified by the lens of your heart. Seeing them through your own heart, we can see them more clearly than we could without that lens.And the reason we’re able to do this is because even though you may not be able to <>see<> our hearts, you’re obviously able to somehow <>feel<> them, whether you’re consciously aware of that or not. And I think it’s through your <>feeling<> of our hearts that you’re truly able to see your own as clearly as you do. I just suspect that you may not be fully conscious of that. But I think it’s true, because you couldn’t write what you do about us if you didn’t feel us deeply on some level. Nor could you write so eloquently and so powerfully about your own heart if you weren’t sensing quite clearly, on some level, the symbiotic passion you ignite in the hearts of the men about whom your write. You just couldn’t. Because most of what you write is not about just one heart, your own heart. It’s about what happens to your heart when it’s joined with another. And if there weren’t some part of you that feels and hears that other heart, your writing would be hollow, grey, flat, like so many other people who write about (or try to write about) the passion that is BDSM. That’s what sets your writing apart from all of them… you sense that synergy, that entwinement, more deeply and more clearly than I think even you yourself realise. But we realise it. And we thank you for helping us understand it more clearly.

  5. Panda: You are terrifically romantic aren’t you? I have described this blog as a love letter to submissive men, which I think is about right. And obviously it is a love letter to particular submissives who I am lucky enough to have in my life.I am delighted that you see it how it was intended – the way you relate to my writing is truly lovely. I enjoy very much how you see through your romantic panda eyes.And yes, your comments make me smile, thank you.Ferns

  6. I agree with everything Panda says, and he has said it better than I ever could. But I’d also like to add that this blog is the most erotic writing I have ever read. It captures most of the secret fantasies I have had for many years.

  7. john: “…I’d also like to add that this blog is the most erotic writing I have ever read…”That’s a big call john, thank you! I’m glad to hear it resonates with you, and I am, of course, always happy to get lovely comments.Ferns

  8. I haven’t seen anything so sensitive and deep and passionate never before in my life.It is so beautiful! It is exactly something to my complicated brain. :D It makes me horny and wet. I like Dommes who can think! Thank you for shearing this!Little Wild Cat

  9. Little Wild Cat: “I haven’t seen anything so sensitive and deep and passionate never before in my life.It is so beautiful!”Thank you so much for your kind words, I’m glad you enjoyed it.Do you want to know a secret? It makes me horny and wet also…Ferns

  10. It would be embarrassing if you knew how many of your blog posts make it so I can’t move much otherwise there would be an accident… this is one of those blog posts. It makes me hot to think of you coming over a guy not coming for you. Especially love the last part, “I haven’t told you how many more days, but I know you are thinking it’s at least six more. Six more you can deal with. But what if it’s six more after that, and six more after that?”

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