e[lust] #109

I’m in the top three this month, which is always a most lovely thing (in case you aren’t aware, there is a core of volunteer judges who vote for the top three out of all of the e[lust] submissions, so it’s like a validating nod from talented peers).

Welcome to Elust 109

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for … Continue Reading

Loves: 1
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e[lust] #99

I haven’t been a top 3 pick for AGES, so it’s a lovely thing (apparently angsty-vanilla-me writes better than non-angsty-femdom-me, I am not sure what to make of that…).

Welcome to Elust 99

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust … Continue Reading

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Top 100 Sex Blogs 2016: Number 1!

Holy hell!

The fabulous Molly from Molly’s Daily Kiss (with whom I did a really fun interview a while ago) does a gazillion hours of work to compile her annual Top 100 Sex Blogs list from those that readers nominate as their favourites.

And shock of shockers, I am in the top spot this year! The. Top. Spot!!!


I’m so completely delighted and honoured. I feel like I should give a speech.

*clears throat*Continue Reading

Loves: 14
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Top 100 Sex Blogs 2015: Top ten, baby!

This year the fabulous Molly of Molly’s Daily Kiss took on the monumental task of putting together the Top 100 Sex Blogs list for 2015.

I’m beyond thrilled to be in the top ten. TOP TEN! I may have squeed.

In the tradition of all respectable awards, I want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who reads my blog; to the silent readers, to you lovely folks who take the … Continue Reading

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I’m on Molly’s 20 of 2015!

Molly of Molly’s Daily Kiss is a wonderful blogger and photographer who you may not be so familiar with because she’s in a M/f relationship and writes from that perspective (this is the only reason why she’s not on my blog roll: not because she isn’t fabulous, but because I specifically keep that for F/m orientated blogs).

We had a lovely chat earlier this year for her Kisscast (an audio clip where you can hear … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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I was looking up minor comic super heroes the other day and came across some (lots!) I’d never heard of.

A few of the best ones (and by ‘best’ I mean ‘lamest super heroes EVARRR’!!):

Stone Boy

His super power is *turning himself into stone*.

“Gadzooks, someone is being MURDERED!!! Let me help you!!! LOOK, SUDDENLY I’M A ROCK!! HA HA! FOILED YOU, MURDERERS!!”

Gin Genie

She can generate ground tremors. Alcohol helped or Continue Reading

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First lesbian love

My first love was a woman, well, a girl really.

I was 17, she was a year ahead of me at school. She was fun and hilarious and street-smart in a way I wasn’t. An athlete, with that long-limbed lithe body that young athletes have. Full of that kind of careless body confidence that comes from knowing what those limbs and muscles are capable of, and a self awareness that results in a loping casual … Continue Reading

Loves: 38
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