Numbers game

For all the bleating all over the kinky sites on the internet about how male subs are a dime a dozen, they are everywhere, they are common as muck and outnumber dominant women about a billion to one, I have an observation, just one, a single one…

I looked into a bondage workshop that was happening in my local area last week. There was a public list of those who were ‘going’ and ‘maybe going’. … Continue Reading

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Yes, Virginia…

…the shoe pics ARE my feet…

I have had a few people asking lately “Are they your feet?”

I find that sweet and funny… It makes me wonder where they think the photos might have come from if they aren’t of me and taken by me. They cannot be mistaken for professional photos, they are, frankly, terrible shots done on a dinky little point-n-click… *chuckle*

So, yes Virginia, they ARE my feet…

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My sent emails XVII

Hello SmartButGenericEmailGuy,

You seem like a sincere, intelligent man, so let me give you some advice.

Read a woman’s profile, her posts, find out a bit about her before writing to her, then engage in some conversation, perhaps something light and interesting that includes some inkling of why you contacted *her* (not ‘a Domme’, but *her*)… you know, like a normal person, like you have been doing in social interactions all of your life.

Your … Continue Reading

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You are the poem in the trees…

You are the tunes in my head, the fire in my ribs
You are the voice in my heart that whispers compassion

You are the storm on the ocean, poem in the trees
The smell of the winter that haunts me each autumn…

Happy birthday, beautiful.


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Sometimes, I suck

I’ve never pretended that I was perfect, that would fool no-one, but mostly, I make smart and considered decisions, I am thoughtful, I think about consequences for me and mine, and I try to handle myself and situations ‘for the best’ for all concerned.

I generally have good judgement and exercise it well.

Recently, I failed miserably at this and caused a lot of unnecessary pain and anger for a boy I care for very … Continue Reading

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The pretty

The thing I am beginning to like about rope is that it can make a pretty boy even prettier. It whispers of acquiescence and helplessness in a way that hastily clipped together cuffs does not. It is concentration and patience and acceptance.

And plus… a boy’s tiny arse in boxer briefs accentuated by design… ?! Well, the appeal of that is just obvious…

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Airport waiting

I’m at the airport, waiting with my father for a flight to come in.

There is a boy sitting across and a few seats to the right, facing me. I look at him, he looks back at me frankly. I have sunglasses on, I am not sure if my stare is obvious. There is no smile on either side.

He is kind of beautiful, lean, early 30s maybe, a clean attractive face, short hair, sideburns, … Continue Reading

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