Birthday nude: Phenomenal woman

Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It’s in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
the need for my care.
Because I’m a woman.
Phenomenal woman,
All you women, and me.
― from Phenomenal Woman, Maya Angelou

Ferns nude crouching

It’s my birthday! Happy birthday to me :).

Thank you, dear readers, for your ongoing presence and support, for your comments and questions, for your lovely emails and positivity, for being part of this blog for yet another year.

Click the like heart or leave a comment so I can see that you’re here with me.

Loves: 201
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  1. Happy birthday, Ferns – great to see you honouring tradition. And never disappoints. Another year of being fabulous – hope it is a good one.

    1. Stunningly gorgeous as ever. How does she do it?!

      Happiest is birthdays to you!

      Your forever ago admirer & visitor

  2. Happy Birthday. Thank you for your beautiful, thoughtful words and for being such a pillar of strength in the community. I hope you have a fabulous year.

    1. Happy birthday. Your freshly cleaned birthday suit is just the perfect “look”. You have such refined taste….
      However the thoughts, expressed in your words of text, leave me in utterly delirious…
      FROM a tongue tied, old admirer….

      1. @duane: It was NOT freshly cleaned, it was fresh-out-of-bed to catch the morning sun, but that suit is hard-wearing, soooo… :).

        Tongue-tied is a high compliment indeed, thank you :).


  3. Not a body…a shrine to worship…on Your birthday and on any other day of the year! Buon compleanno Lady Fern!

  4. I think we should all call this position “The Ferns” from now on!

    Happy Birthday, my Fairy Domme-Mother!!

    I’m actually about to share some sub fun from my CollarSpace inbox and I’m gonna dedicate it to you :P lol You have been such a guiding light for me in all of this and I actually thought of you the other day as I said goodbye to a potential sub bc I thought, “Hmm, this is exactly what Ferns would have said and done!” (or at least a close version of it).

    I’m so glad you were born and chose to join this nutty and exceptional community and share all your wisdom, love, humor, and awesomeness with us! xx Hy

    1. Bahahaha… I was thinking of titling the picture ‘Crouching Tiger’, but I’m pretty sure that’s already taken :P.

      Thanks so much for your kind words, so much appreciated :).


  5. Happy Birthday beautiful you! I love seeing your words, attitude, humour, strength, pragmatism and sass on here. Now it just wonderful to see the actual shape of you here now too. Enjoy your day and this pristine new year to do whatever you want with.

  6. . . . and a very Happy Birthday to you, m’Lady, from West Palm Beach, Florida! Love the picture; just enough tease. Looks like that surface might have been hard on your knees, though . . ;)

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes and the compliment :).

      And no, not hard: It’s carpet, and it took surprisingly little time to get the shot (I am inexperienced with taking photos like this given I do it only once a year, so I’m pretty happy that I pretty much got something I liked with a few goes :)).


  7. Amazing Birthday photo as always… sexy AF
    Thank you for being you.. you is just right !
    Happy happy birthday x

    1. you’ve not hurd from me before. Ive been on your sight for about ayear now. I find you great to catch once a week or so. I found it deffrant that you had to go online to find a date. You are so wordy. It seems that you could find lots of guys that youd hit it off with. But I sould talk, I dont have someone close right mow eather. It is hard to find that perfect one. I should do to same myself here in San Diego myself. Its been a hot summer but oh so nice here no the West Coast.Have you ever been here? its great. You have the best B day ever. I find your sight the best!

  8. Happy Birthday Ferns–looking great there! (Where’s the winter clothing.)

    There by the gate lay a Sphinx
    Cross between terror and lust
    Body and paws like a lion’s
    Woman in head and in bust

    Dort vor dem Tor lag eine Sphinx,
    Ein Zwitter von Schrecken und Lüsten,
    Der Leib und die Tatzen wie ein Löw’,
    Ein Weib an Haupt und Brüsten.

    (Heinrich Heine, 1839–translation by CF)

    1. Thank you so much, CF, and for the translated piece :).

      As for winter clothing, I have a short window of time after I get up when I am carrying the warmth of my bed… it does not last long :)).


  9. Still here and enjoying the occasional glimpses into your life. I came for the erotica and stayd for the personality. Happy birthday!

  10. The best ever!!! (And I’ve been enjoying these forever!). How is it that unlike the rest of us, you get hotter and sexier as you get older? Are you a vampire?

  11. I hope you had a happy birthday. Well, I know you did.

    And as for the picture – all I shall say is Ding dong!


    Sir Puppington Lothian.

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