I want to post something brimming with enthusiasm and excitement, but I am so very aware of how my last meeting turned out that I am hesitant to bring you along just in case there is disappointment coming.
On the other hand… if I must suffer, then SO MUST YOU, so here goes!!! *laugh*
Bambi arrives tomorrow!! I AM SO EXCITED!
He is at the airport getting ready to board his plane as I write this. We are in chat just kind of fidgeting at each other.
bambi: bonk bonk bonk
I’m bouncing!
I want the plane to go now!!
Me: IT SHOULD JUST GET HERE NOW! Except I won’t be at the airport until tomorrow
Stupid logistics
He will be travelling for some 20 odd hours to get here, and from there I will take him home. He’s never done a long haul trip like this before. I expect him to arrive exhausted and disorientated, and I expect him to be a little overwhelmed at the airport by a combination of that and nerves.
In the last few days I have been getting my house in order: Mega cleaning, tidying, making lists of stuff, looking at places to take him while he is here, organising things that *might* be relevant (sex toys!), generally bustling about keeping busy.
I will pick him up from the airport tomorrow around mid-morning. It is a little more than an hour’s drive to my place. He will not be allowed to sleep in the car (not just because I demand his attention: for jet lag it is better that he stay up until the evening). I’m trusting that any awkward first-meeting feelings will dissipate during the drive. I will take him to my place where he will have a chance to shower and change, or perhaps I will make that a little more interesting, depending how I am feeling *smile*.
Then I will take him out for lunch somewhere overlooking the beach where we will spend a leisurely time eating, drinking, talking. I have promised he is allowed to have beers if he wants. We will make the transition from remote-knowing to in-person-knowing and start to really feel out how this chemistry plays for us.
Probably a walk on the beach, maybe a swim, and depending how tired he is, I will deliver him to his accommodation (about 15 minutes drive from my place) in the early evening.
Then the next day… well, I haven’t thought that far ahead yet…
This afternoon after bambi got on the plane and was no longer available for mutual fidgeting, I went out into the world to avoid being home and feeling like I was waiting. I HATE waiting. HATE!
While I was out there, I went into some sort of jittery-buying-frenzy. I bought a bunch of mundane normal things (I had a list!) plus a pair of black cargo pants, five singlet tops, a couch cushion, lots of snacks (pate, camembert, crackers, chips, tim tams…), Easter eggs (my niece’s fault!) and generally went kind of crazy. WTF?!
I’m kind of surprised I didn’t buy shoes… for jittery-buying-frenzies that seems like a logical choice…
Me: I’m all stupid with excitement! *bounce skip squee falls over* <= This is how a REAL Domme behaves. True story!

I’ll probably be live tweeting all about it tomorrow from the airport because I am apparently a total social media hoar, so you can come along for the ride if you want.
Ugh. Seriously. JUST BE HERE ALREADY!!! *fidgets*
I; however, am an anticipation addict, or maybe an anticipation whore! I think an excerpt from my poem Anticipation would be very suitable for this situation ~ laughs~
“Meeting the first time
Her presence divine
Hot breaths upon my skin
An intense kiss not yet taken in
I; however, am an anticipation addict, or maybe an anticipation whore! I think an excerpt from my poem Anticipation would be very suitable for this situation ~ laughs~
“Meeting the first time
Her presence divine
Hot breaths upon my skin
An intense kiss not yet taken in
My apologies that was so not supposed to duplicate itself. I will go have the computer spanked immediately!
I’m so excited for you, Ferns! I’m bouncing in solidarity!
I’m excited for Bambi, too. You’re lovely, and clever, and sweet, and he’s lucky to have the opportunity to get to know the “in person” you (not that I know the “in person” you, but from what I’ve gathered in our occasional imperfect brain-sharing, I’m convinced you’re at least eleventy times better in person!).
I’m pulling for you, I’m thinking of you… and I’m really fucking excited for all of the happy tweets that I’m sure will follow in the coming days.
*bouncing excitedly*
Can’t wait for the tweet-flood!
May it be all that you both have hoped for – and even better!
Thank you so much for the good wishes. I’m heading out the door to the airport now. I will try not to fidget and flail while driving, because that’s dangerous, kids!
Well, where *is* the lad? I hope you wag your finger at him when you two meet, Miss Ferns. Sloppiness needs to be nipped in the bud!
This is so very awesome that you share with us! Yes yes, it hasn’t quite gone as we all hoped in the past. We get knocked down, but we get up again *sings a bit* … I do NOT have ADHD!
BUT… yes, it’s a big BUT! BUT… when it does work out… well then… you’ll have a lovely log of trials and tribulations that brought you to the loveliness… and you’ll have a cute personal/public account of said lovely making.
Best of luck to you both,
Another fan eagerly awaiting the chemistry results