Hunger games

I speak often about the hunger that drives my dominance. Really, when I am in it, that’s all I write about, in different ways, with different contexts: I am essentially just saying the same thing over and over.

I have a passionate crazy hunger that I ache to let loose, that I look to escalate and satiate, a feeling that makes me want to strip the very skin off my boy’s bones so I can … Continue Reading

Loves: 15
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Happy femdom story: Najakcharmer

I have been a fan of Najakcharmer’s posts and writings for a long time, and her fabulous long term poly relationship with her two men has been a thread throughout. This is a story about a happy, healthy, wonderful poly relationship full of love and primal passion. It’s long, but totally worth it…

Author: Najakcharmer

“Eventually the whip arm gets weary, and you find yourself in the same room with an adult human being who Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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Happy femdom: Dani

This fabulous email landed in my inbox a while ago, and it was such a fascinating, wonderful story of discovery and evolution that I really wanted to share it. So with permission, here is Dani’s story.

Author: Dani

I just wanted to tell you thanks for having such an awesome, n00b-friendly blog and thanks for doing the submissive men images video.

The very condensed version of my story is this: A little less than … Continue Reading

Loves: 18
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Random memories: Foreplay?!

He was lying on the floor at my feet, we were watching TV.

He had a gorgeous arse and beautiful legs. I was distracted by the muscles of his thighs, and the crease where his legs met his arse.

I idly started to pat his arse with my foot, just stroking him gently. He shifted back a little to give me better access. I squeezed my foot between his thighs and he opened his legs … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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Happy femdom stories – UnspeakableAxe

I started following Unspeakable Axe’s blog years ago. A submissive man from the country who had moved to New York City and who was going through the ups and downs of finding a dominant partner. It was fascinating in the way that these stories always are, and Axe’s writing is funny and compelling and each time something promising didn’t pan out, I was disappointed for him. Why was no-one fabulous grabbing him?!! Baffling.

Then things … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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Submissive man finds dominant woman! News at 11!

HugsTwo of my fabulous male submissive friends are exploring new relationships. Yay!!

Why am I posting about this?

Because it makes me happy, because they are wonderful, smart, interesting, sweet, amazing men, because both of them have been single for a while, and because it gives me hope.

Mostly, people are not single because they are undesirable hideous trolls living under bridges, compulsively twitching and muttering obscenities at passers-by.

Mostly, people are single because it’s … Continue Reading

Loves: 20
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Happy femdom stories – Jake

This story has a happy ending, but along the way it’s a difficult story that illustrates how hard it can be for young submissive men who feel disenfranchised, confused, and lost with their sexuality and relationships, and how challenging it can be to deal with that on top of whatever else they have going on in their lives.

Thank you for sharing your story, Jake, and I hope there is a lot more happiness to … Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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