Audio porn: Femdom podcast #106 [Audio]

Domme Chronicles podcast cover
Domme Chronicles
Audio porn: Femdom podcast #106 [Audio]

This short, sweet, gentle femdom audio p*rn is nothing like my normal podcast content. I ad-libbed the audio, and then wrote a story about it, a story that mirrors what I was thinking as I recorded it.

I suggest you listen to the audio first, before reading the story, and let your imagination take you where it will. See what kind of story your mind builds around the words you are hearing. If you want to share how it played out for you in the comments, I’d love to read your take. I’m curious.

Then I suggest you re-listen while reading the story, see where it came from, what was in my mind when I was improvising the audio. I imagine it will be very different from yours.

I hope you enjoy it.

She opens the door, smiles at the tall boy standing there, this one she’s been eyeing off for quite some time. He’s shy, a little scared, his fear written on his face as his eyes skittishly dance everywhere, somehow not daring to settle on her face.

“Come in, boy.” He hesitates, shucks his shoes in the hallway, then takes two strides towards the couch as if to sit down.

“No no, you don’t get to sit down. You get to stand. There, in the middle of the room.” She points, and he quickly corrects course, seeking his mark like an actor on some imaginary stage.

“Yes, like that.”

His fingers tap at his thighs, he decides it is safest to look at the floor and he lowers his gaze as if suddenly the grain of the wood under his feet is of vital importance. Almost immediately he feels as if he’s being rude and looks up to find her, he tries to relax the clenching of his jaw, his furrowed brow.

“Are you nervous? You look nervous. It’s okay. Don’t you worry.”

Stepping in closer to him she tilts her head slightly to the left and examines his face.

“You’re pretty aren’t you? Shh sh. You don’t need to answer me. You don’t need to say anything.” She leans towards him, enjoying his discomfort at her proximity as she tries to decide if his eyes have flecks of gold within the olive-brown. They do, she’s sure.

“Now we talked about what might happen today, didn’t we? You remember of course.”

They’d agreed that a number of activities were on the table today, gentle sweet play with maybe a little bite or two. They’d also agreed that he would remain silent unless he needed to call yellow or red. He opens his mouth to answer her, then shuts it quickly and nods instead, shifting slightly from foot to foot.

Her fingers smooth down his crisp white shirt, feeling him tense at the touch.

“So now… I’m going to undo the buttons of your shirt.”

He nods again and she senses that he’s about to say something, he’s a talker this one, it is difficult for him not to blurt his spiky nerves out into the room.

“Shhh sh sh. I don’t want to hear from you.”

Deftly she undoes the buttons of his shirt, slips her cool hand against his skin. He vibrates under her touch like a prize racehorse.

“You’re warm. Are you trembling? I like that. That slight quivering of your skin.”

Resting her palm flat against his skin, she runs it over his stomach, around his waist, and back up to his chest. She resists the urge to dig her nails into his nipples, there will be time for that later, for now he needs something else.

“And your skin is soft. Very pretty.”

A corner of his mouth twitches at the compliment, not quite a smile though, not yet.

“Now I’m just going to slip this shirt down off your shoulders, okay?” He starts to roll his shoulders to make it easier for her. “No don’t move, I will do it. You just stand there.” She pulls his shirt off and drops it over the arm of the couch.

He doesn’t know what to do with his hands, standing there half naked in the middle of her living room. They flutter a little at his sides.

“You can put your hands on your head. Yes, like that.”

His armpits exposed, she reaches up to trill her fingertips into the sensitive area. “Are you ticklish?” she asks, then chuckles as his face splits into a smile and he squirms away from her. “Just a bit I see.”

Moving her focus, she strokes the pale skin of his exposed upper arms, that translucent flesh that rarely sees the sun, she traces the barely-visible blue veins under the surface.

“Do you like this touch?” she asks, watching his face. Her voice unconsciously lowers, slows, her tone reaching for him. “When I run my fingers down from your elbows, down the soft skin of your inner arms, and maybe just to… lean in and see if the scent of your underarms pleases me…”

Bringing her face into the crook of his armpit she inhales him, lets the pheromone-rich smell of his body become her primary sense for that brief moment. “Mmmmm… it does, that’s nice. Earthy, raw.”

Stepping back, she reaches for the buckle of his belt, it is the same variety of plain black that every men’s clothing store carries.

“Now if I undo this belt buckle, I think your pants are tight enough to stay up, don’t you?” Just quietly, she’s amused, as if those jeans that fit him like they were moulded onto his hips would go anywhere without concerted effort.

“Yeah, they’ll stay up,” she says, unnecessarily.

“It’s a nice belt, leather isn’t it? Rhetorical question: I know it is. It’s got a nice… weight to it really. I’m sure I can find a use for that later.”

Twirling her fingers in front of his face, she says, “Turn around for me. Good boy.”

His jeans are not only well fitted around his hips, they are perfect to complement the shape of his arse. “Well this is a nice, compact, round little arse isn’t it? That you are carrying around there. Very nice.

Do you think my hand will slip into the waistband of your jeans and fit down to cup that pretty little arse?”

She forces her right hand down into the tight waistband of his jeans and slides it down to feel the firmness of his arse. He sucks in his breath to try and make more room for her to reach further.

“Of course it will,” she laughs softly.

He shifts in place, jostling to give her space to touch more of him, trying to encourage her. She grabs a handful of his arse and feels him push back against her. Smiling, she withdraws her hand.

“Don’t you move now, you stay still.”

She gives the inside of his right foot a little kick.

“Legs apart. Yes. Like that.” She steps in close, pressing her hips against his arse. His instinct kicks in and he reaches back to pull her closer. “No, don’t move your hands. Where did I tell you to put them? That’s right, on your head. I didn’t tell you to take them down.”

“No, you don’t get to touch me.” His hands twitch for a second before they return to his head.

She shoves her hips against his arse, and reaches around to the front of his jeans. “That is a very fine butt you’ve got there. Now if I just undo these buttons at the front of your pants, they’re still tight enough not to fall down, aren’t they? Are you wearing boxers like I told you? Black boxer briefs. They’re my favourite.”

She pulls his jeans down a little and sees that of course he has black boxers on, just as she asked… she exhales with pleasure, a smile in her voice. “But you know that already… don’t you?”

Her lips brush the dip of his spine, a hot breath. His pose makes his shoulders wide, a wingspan. “I like your shoulder blades. Flex them for me. Mmhmm, that’s very nice. Biteable. Would you like that? If I just took that flesh between my teeth and ground my teeth together like I was gonna rip the skin of your bones.”

His intake of breath is immediate, sharp.

“Mmmm… I think you would like that… Maybe later. Maybe. If you’re good.”

Standing back from him, she turns him by his hips so that he is facing her again, the bulge pressing against the front of his jeans is clear.

She smiles, grabs his jeans at the hips and starts to shimmy them down.

“Alright, your jeans are coming down now. Give those hips a little wiggle for me, that’s it, yes, good boy. You’ve done this before haven’t you?

When they’re at his ankles, she puts her foot in them to hold them on the floor. “Now step out. Step out of them.” He wobbles, unsteady. “Stop it,” she laughs. “Are you going to fall over? Where is your balance, boy? Oh you’re nervous, is that why?”

Admiring the thin fabric of his boxers clinging to his body, she nods her approval. “Well, these boxer briefs fit very nicely don’t they?”

She leans into him and thrums her fingertips against the outline of his cock. “If I drum my fingers just here, how’s that feel?”

He gasps, his hips rock forward for more contact. “Mmm… I think you like that.”

She takes a step back.

“Get on your knees, boy, and let’s see what we can do with you, shall we?”


Normally my podcast is a Reader Q&A. If you want to ask me something for my podcast, pop on over to my Ask Me page and go do it :). It’s completely anonymous, even to me, so nobody will know it was you…

Full transcript (minus the story) below

[intro music] Shut up and sit down [/intro music]

Hello dear listener, and welcome to my podcast.

This is a very unusual one, it is super short and this introduction is going to be super short as well.

I have a gravelley sore-throated voice and I took the opportunity to do a little bit of audio p*rn. So this is not a reader Q&A as I usually do, it is a very short and sweet piece of audio p*rn.

I’ve written a little story around it and, ah, you’ll find that in the [written] text but it’s not actually IN the p*rn. I ad-libbed the p*rn and then wrote the story, so if you want the full experience of both, you might have to go to my blog which is



Come in, boy. No no, you don’t get to sit down. You get to stand. There, in the middle of the room.

Yes, like that.

Are you nervous? You look nervous. It’s okay. Don’t you worry.

You’re pretty aren’t you? Shh sh. You don’t need to answer me. You don’t need to say anything.

Now we talked about what might happen today, didn’t we? You remember of course.

So now… I’m going to undo the buttons of your shirt. Shhh sh sh. I don’t want to hear from you.

You’re warm. Are you trembling? I like that. That slight quivering of your skin.

And your skin is soft. Very pretty.

Now I’m just going to slip this shirt down off your shoulders, okay? No don’t move, I will do it. You just stand there.

You can put your hands on your head. Yes, like that.

Are you ticklish? [chuckle] Just a bit I see.

Do you like this touch? [speech slows, tone lowers] When I run my fingers down from your elbows, down the soft skin of your inner arms, and maybe just to… lean in and see if the scent of your underarms pleases me…

[sound of inhalation] Mmmmm… it does, that’s nice. Earthy, raw.

Now if I undo this belt buckle, I think your pants are tight enough to stay up, don’t you?

Yeah, they’ll stay up.

It’s a nice belt, leather isn’t it? Rhetorical question: I know it is. It’s got a nice… weight to it really. I’m sure I can find a use for that later.

Turn around for me. Good boy.

Well this is a nice, compact, round little arse isn’t it? That you are carrying around there. Very nice.

Do you think my hand will slip into the waistband of your jeans and fit down to cup that pretty little arse?

Of course it will [soft laugh].

Don’t you move now, you stay still.

Legs apart. Yes. Like that. No, don’t move your hands. Where did I tell you to put them? That’s right, on your head. I didn’t tell you to take them down.

No, you don’t get to touch me.

That is a very fine butt you’ve got there. Now if I just undo these buttons at the front of your pants, they’re still tight enough not to fall down, aren’t they? Are you wearing boxers like I told you? Black boxer briefs.

They’re my favourite.

[exhale] But you know that already… don’t you?

I like your shoulder blades. Flex them for me. Mmhmm, ‘s very nice. Biteable. Would you like that? If I just took that flesh between my teeth and ground my teeth together like I was gonna rip the skin off your bones.

Mmmm… I think you would like that.

Maybe later. Maybe. If you’re good.

Alright, your jeans are coming down now. Give those hips a little wiggle for me, that’s it, yes, good boy. You’ve done this before haven’t you?

Now step out. Step out of them. Stop it [laugh], are you going to fall over? Where is your balance, boy? Oh you’re nervous, is that why?

Well, these boxer briefs fit very nicely don’t they?

If I drum my fingers just here, how’s that feel?

Mmm… I think you like that.

Get on your knees, boy, and let’s see what we can do with you, shall we?


[outro music]

Loves: 13
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  1. This was amazing, especially after the dream I had of being inspected in a similar fashion by a Domme two nights ago. As a blushing kneeling boy, I definitely enjoyed how this audio porn ended. Thank you for the wonderful imagery!

  2. Dear Ferns,

    Thank you for a hot sexy podcast. Hearing your voice makes such a difference and it is such a turn-on that you work on my imagination, I know he is helpless and he will be used for your pleasure only. So sad I dont live near you ;-)…..

    Love Tiptease

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