Look, pussies!

I get sick of ‘porn pussies’ and how their ubiquitous uniformity makes women feel as if their vulvas are abnormal/ugly/embarrassing/wrong.

Women are bombarded with enough ways to feel bad about ourselves (don’t even get me started on the idea that now our *orgasms* aren’t good enough unless they are multiples that are triggered by a man just touching us lightly with a single finger, and where we squirt buckets all over the walls).

I’ve written ranted about labia fascism before, but really it’s more than just that. Most women don’t get to see a lot of pussy, even when women are naked together, our vulvas aren’t ‘in yer face’, so the idea that ‘normal’ includes incredible variety doesn’t quite take hold.

So when I saw this, I fell a little in love.

Cunt colouring book! Because… awesome!!

Edited to add:

Links from my previous labia fascism rant:

  • Art project: Great Wall of Vagina.
  • Tumblr: The love of large labia (so disappointed: This Tumblr no longer exists)
  • An Australian documentary that discusses the relationship between porn, censorship and labiaplasty (surgery to reduce the size of labia). They are all links to the same video, but some countries can’t access some sites:
    ABC 1 Labiaplasty – youtube
    ABC 1 Labiaplasty – Vimeo

Loves: 8
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  1. I once saw a Real Sex episode where people went to a positive sex workshop and their was a presentation on all of the different ways genitals can look. I was something like 16 at the time. It fascinated me.

    It’s the first time I caught a Real Sex episode where I wasn’t furiously masturbating with one hand on the remote in case somebody started down the stairs.

    1. I have seen a chart with 30 diagrams of different vulvas (numbered, ugh), and I thought about posting it, but it bothered me in an ‘only that many?! Come on!’ kind of way, and I have seen it presented, and commented on in ways that made me uncomfortable instead of positive.

      Even if the original intent of it (which I have no clue about) was positive, its use all over the internet has tarnished the possible goodness for me.

      “It’s the first time I caught a Real Sex episode where I wasn’t furiously masturbating with one hand on the remote in case somebody started down the stairs.”

      *laugh* I guess that show was like the National Geographic of the olden days.


  2. “Most women don’t get to see a lot of pussy, even when women are naked together, our vulvas aren’t ‘in yer face’, so the idea that ‘normal’ includes incredible variety doesn’t quite take hold.”

    Exactly!!!! Thanks to Fetlife…there’s plenty on display there! LOL But I agree. Don’t we have enough body issues to deal with than to wonder how our pussies measure up?!

  3. It’s just as bad for us. We don’t (most of us) see many cocks… you see some of those things in porn?! Hell I see much more than you average guy, I’ve got a nice one & they still scare the Hell out of me!

    1. I don’t believe it *is* as bad for men, actually.

      I don’t hear anyone going ‘oh god, your cock is so *ugly*!’ nor do I hear about an increase in men getting surgery to make their cock prettier or more ‘normal’ because of what they are being fed, nor do I hear anyone saying ‘yuck, pubic hair on men is gross and dirty!’, nor do I see equivalent male products to the ones designed to make women’s genitals cleaner, smell better, and look nicer, because you know, pussies are just not good enough if left to their own devices…

      I agree that there is *size* pressure on men, sure, but ‘as bad’? No.

      As for porn, I’m always baffled why something that is obviously aimed at men doesn’t have average sized cocks in it. Surely that would make men feel all fab about how they measure up?


    1. Ferns,


      I also offer personal pussy landscape gardening, ploughing, hole digging, bush trimming, grass conditioning, cutting, shampoo, styling – tie and dye.

      Dr. S.

  4. Question: Which of these three women’s undersmiles looks odd?




    Answer: None of them!

    It’s true!

    Doctor Satan DB

  5. I actually know of a few friends who have had their labia cut! What the hell? Don’t they understand a man’s perspective? Ok, this is how it goes: I see a pussy=FANTASTIC happenings are in my immediate future=BEAUTIFUL! My boy LIVES for the feeling of my lips between his.

    1. That is exactly true! I’ve been nose-to-nub with enough of them to understand that if you just take the time to look, pleasant things are right there staring you in the face.

    2. “I actually know of a few friends who have had their labia cut! What the hell?”

      That’s so sad! How did we get to this?

      “Don’t they understand a man’s perspective?…”

      I *wish* that was every woman’s experience. I see *many* women tell of horrible men who have said negative things about their ‘non perfect’ pussy. The ‘love of large labia’ tumblr has many emails from women telling of this experience. I have to assume that those men are incredibly inexperienced (also, complete fuckheads!) and frankly, I hope that they never get laid again.

      But even if that doesn’t happen, we just never see enough variety of pussies to internalise the fact that they are as individual as we are.


      1. So it seems then that I don’t have the perfect pussy but I do have a perfect “picker” (my ability to pick wonderful men.) I couldn’t ever imagine being with a man that would think it acceptable to make a derogatory remark about my pussy.

  6. Lovely idea.
    I once wrote a post on an old alt blog about ‘puffy pussy paranoia’….lol

    but yeah, besides that – is there anyone else who was slightly freaked out by all the wild coloring? greens and bright oranges? lol…..shapes are fine, but what happens if you started a trend towards tied-died cunts?

  7. Thank you for posting this. I personally have the opposite problem….I have large puffy outer lips and practically no inner lips at all. Everything is hidden away by my outer lips. Once I started seeing this discussion in a couple of blogs, I began to look around for issues like mine, but haven’t found them anywhere. This is an issue for so many women, so thank you again for posting this!

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