If it feels this good…

I said brother, if you only knew
You’d wish that you were in my shoes
Just keep on using me
Until you use me up

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  1. I love this song! You need to make up a list of your top ~50 songs, because I keep finding music I like from your blog that'd I never stumble upon anywhere else (Like James – Laid).

  2. Jake: “I love this song!”

    Isn't it great?!

    “You need to make up a list of your top ~50 songs, because I keep finding music I like from your blog that'd I never stumble upon anywhere else (Like James – Laid).”

    *laugh* Oh god no…no no, I am much to lazy for that. What I need is a submissive who will do it for me, natch!


  3. Ruby Ryder: “Has always be one of my favorites…long before I embraced my dominant side. Now I know why!”

    *smile* Your secret inner voice was trying to tell you!!


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